Thumbnails with Descriptions

Thumb and Description for Image 1:
You can see the small amount that stays on the parchment paper. Most transferred nicely onto the copper on the PCB.
Thumb and Description for Image 2:
A little (some days) later...
the PCB etched and drilled (with the xyz-table as seen on our "Tools" page)
Thumb and Description for Image 3:
closup of the holes. The drilling was done with the machine under manual control (ie. no steppers,...)
Thumb and Description for Image 4:
The component side... without the help of the machine, the holes wouldn't look that nice and lined up... :)
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Second try. Different layout. Different display control (multiplexed), so less parts, less holes :)
Again using toner transfer, but different paper: a page from an old Reichelt electronics catalog :-))). Something I read about in a german eletronics forum at
Its just the kind of paper thats used for catalogs. Just cut out a page, print the layout onto it (Yes, it does NOT have to be a white page, any page will do! The catalog print won't interfere!) and iron it onto a pcb. The cool it under running water, carefully peel/rub off the paper and ...
Thumb and Description for Image 6:
this is what you (might) get. :-)
A little extra work is necessay here because I ironed it too long so some traces have melted to pads (I had to route traces between pads). A sharp knife/scalpel will do the job.
Thumb and Description for Image 7:
If you moist the board a little, it looks better because the paper fibers are not that obvious when wet.
Thumb and Description for Image 8:
Here you see a closup where this is obvious. The "white stuff" are paper fibers. As long as they are only on the toner covered parts, they won't be a problem.
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